La Posada Pintada
Things to do...
While you are staying with us here in Bluff, we want you to have the best time possible. We have picked a few of our favorite things to do to help spur some ideas.

Boat the San Juan
The San Juan River runs right through Bluff. Trips on the San Juan River generally launch 5 miles west of town daily. The trips vary in length from 1 to 10 days in length. Let the local and knowledgable guides from
Wild Rivers Expeditions introduce you to the archeology, geology and natural history accessible only from calming waters of the San Juan River. This river trip is a great journey for people of all ages and abilities.

Hike and Explore
With the many state and national parks in our area hiking and exploring is a must. However, it should not be limited to those areas. Within a 5 minute walk from your room you can be deep in the canyons of the Southwest. Areas such as Butler Wash and Comb Ridge are great places to enjoy beautiful vistas and past cultural histories. We recommend a trip with Vaughn at Far Out Expeditions to get the most from your hiking time.

Museums and Visitor Centers
The Southwest is an area steeped in ancient and modern Native cultures. Our area museums and visitor centers will help educate you as to all the wonders you are viewing on your trip here.
Edge of the Cedars State Park, a quick 30 minute jaunt up the hill, is a National Repository for ancient artifacts. This is the place to go to learn about the Ancestral Puebloan ways of life.

Any time of the year is a great time to enjoy wildlife in Bluff.
Spring is the time to view the vibrant fields of Globe Mallow, Lupine, and Cactus flowers.
The banks of the San Juan River attract multitude of birds from the Yellow Headed Black Bird to the Great Blue Herron, birders of all ages will find our area a great location watch and relax.
Fall brings the beautiful yellows of the cottonwoods and long relaxing afternoons to Bluff. Whether you are enjoying the foliage along the river or on a drive through the Abajo Mountains, you will not be disappointed.